Cooperative projects are research projects of high practical relevance financed entirely by the industry. The costs are divided between several companies without the use of any public funds. Regular project meetings enable precise agreements; during the cooperative project, all project outcomes are also only published in part after the project ends with the consent of all participants.
Additionally, Weber & Leucht offers an optional service: After a cooperative project ends, we can support participating companies individually and draw on our expertise to promote the further development of products or processes.
The first two cooperative projects "Screening of residual contamination on PPE" and "Comfort screening of new and washed textiles using the fabric touch test system and development of a reference panel for the comfort classification of textiles" commence at March 22nd and March 23rd 2017 with project kick-off meetings in the city of Fulda, Germany.
For further information, detailed project descriptions and registration documents, please refer to our website.