As an independent, accredited testing center, we assess important quality characteristics on behalf of manufacturers, public authorities and consumers. Our certificate and the corresponding seal of quality confirm the fulfillment of our test criteria and provide our customers with important elements for their marketing communication: Following certification, our seal of quality can be shown on products and packaging – a convincing incentive to buy.
For further information regarding our seal of quality, the general certification conditions and the corresponding assessment and inspection classes please refer to
Cooperative projects are research projects of high practical relevance financed entirely by the industry. The costs are divided between several companies without the use of any public funds. Regular project meetings enable precise agreements; during the cooperative project, all project outcomes are also only published in part after the project ends with the consent of all participants.
Additionally, Weber & Leucht offers an optional service: After a cooperative project ends, we can support participating companies individually and draw on our expertise to promote the further development of products or processes.
The first two cooperative projects "Screening of residual contamination on PPE" and "Comfort screening of new and washed textiles using the fabric touch test system and development of a reference panel for the comfort classification of textiles" commence at March 22nd and March 23rd 2017 with project kick-off meetings in the city of Fulda, Germany.
For further information, detailed project descriptions and registration documents, please refer to our website.
We are proud to present a new acquisition for our laboratory: We just added a scanning electron microscope by Hitachi (Model Flex-SEM 1000) to our technical infrastructure. This piece of equipment allows us to use new analytical methods like the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX), which will be employed to clarify complex damage cases and to aid in R&D projects.
We are happy to answer any further questions about our different analysis methods directly – feel free to contact us!
Dear customers, dear business partners,
Christmas and New Year´s Eve are imminent – those special days at the end of the year, when one can and should take a deep breath and draw new strength.We wish to use this opportunity to thank you for our good business relationship and your continuous confidence in our venture. We´re already looking forward to taking on new challenges in 2017!The team of Weber & Leucht wishes you and your family a wonderful Christmas time and a happy, healthy and successful new year.PS: As every year, we support the German charitable organization “Deutsche PalliativStiftung” with a donation instead of sending out Christmas gifts.
Best wishes
Stephanie Leucht and Thomas Leucht